Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Assignment #4 -- TechWise TV 110: Embracing the Bring-Your-Own-Device Trend

Video: 50 min. long

In this video the tech. people are in London discussing how addicted to cell phones and the data package people are. They also discuss how the 3600 A.P. can help with that.
This video is mostly about the 3600 access point. They talk about how the access point is a 4x4x3, which is 4 transmitters, 4 receivers, and 3 spacial steams. Also, talks about how the 3600 allows the feedback loop, how compatible it is, flexible it is, how durable it is, the range it can handle, and the performance of it. They say the 3600 is the fastest wireless router.
This video also talks about the newest technology out their and how the 3600 can tell those devices apart.
Lastly this video talks about the 2.2 media net and how it relates to the media trace (how A is getting to B) and calibration manager (every call in process). This tool helps visualize the different problems in the technology field.
All in all this is a very good video to watch. Only some of the speakers I could not understand.

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